Sunday, October 29, 2017

What is the life people should not live?

A question posed to an across the board audience…
And the answers – a myriad of emotions that make us human. I acknowledged, agreed and was astounded by some.
Many were as meaningful as they are insightful…
Read below .

A’isha Bauer
Whoever says, “It’s only a rabbit”, has obviously never loved a rabbit or been loved by one!

The sweet spot is your calling J

What is the life people should not live?

1.       The Unconscious Life.

a.      You might have chosen the wrong career. You might have been drained by negative people. You might be picking up bad habits. Don’t worry…
b.      No one lives a perfect life. See, it’s okay to make mistakes. But make sure you’re aware of them. You need to live consciously. Sweeping issues under the rug doesn’t solve them. Confronting them bravely does.
c.       Ask yourself: Am I conscious about my life? Or am I a walking dead?

2.      The Tomorrow Life.

a.      The word tomorrow seems to have magical power. It tends to give us a sense of new start, replenishment and hope.
b.      However, some of us may have forgotten that tomorrow never comes.So procrastination kicks in silently and take over our lives. Before we realize it, years or decades have passed. This is certainly not an exaggeration.
c.       Ask yourself: Do I often delay my day? Do I realize that delaying my day isdelaying my life?

3.      The Shallow Life.

a.      Sports cars and big houses can be great. Champagne and parties can be great. Attractive appearance and fame can be great.
b.      However, most people fall into misery exactly because they’re chasing after those things. Ironic, isn’t it?
c.       Ask yourself: Do I know what I really want? If yes, how can I make it happen, instead of living a shallow life?

4.      The Closed Life.

a.      We’re living in an interesting era. New industries are emerging, the way we interact with each other we changing and the way resource is shared across the world is frequently disrupted.
b.      Don’t limit yourself to your pre-existing ideas. Don’t stubbornly cling to your old beliefs. Why lock yourself in your self-made prison? Look around you. The world is different now. Open yourself up for the future. Embrace different opinions and possibilities. When you’re open to the world, the world will be wide open for you too.
c.       Ask yourself: Do I cling to your outdated worldview or constant reassess it?

5.      Someone’s Life.

a.      “Elon Musk is great. Mark Zuckerberg is cool. Barack Obama is phenomenal,” You may think, which is nothing wrong.
b.      Anyway, while you can idolize them and learn from them, make sure you don’t aim to be them. You are you.
c.       Ask yourself: Am I trying to be someone else? Do I know others are already taken?

Let’s live a worth-living life.
Dylan Woon, Self-employed, Educator, Avid Learner.
A life of Regret - Living a life where you operate in fear, and never stretch yourself to discover your true potential. The only thing worse than death is a regret-filled coffin.
A Life of Complacency - Being too comfortable with wherever you’re at in life. Being complacent like the previous point can lead to regret later down the road and prevent you from reaching your true potential.
A Life Living For Other People - Placing other peoples’ expectations for your life above your own. At the end of the day, it’s your life to live not anybody else’s.
A Life Without Responsibility - Not taking responsibility for your life and constantly blaming others for any negativity that comes your way. You have complete control over how you react to anything (good or bad) that happens to you.
A Life of No Direction - Living a life with nothing you are working towards. No dreams, no ambitions, and no passions.
A life of Loneliness - No one needs to live a life in complete isolation. We are social creatures who desire meaningful relationships to experience life with.
For more life advice, subscribe to my YouTube channel ThisisJoshO! 
Joshua Otusanya, Accountant, Stand up Comedian, Former Division 1 Athlete

1.       Not learning - if you stop reading you die. There is nothing in a stagnant life. Repetition gets boring over time, when I write the same Quora answer over time, I get bored writing it which is why I learn everyday. To be a master you need to constantly improve. To succeed faster, you need to learn. To be happy, you need to learn from those who are happy. Learning is fun and makes the world richer and more meaningful.
2.      Not laughing - do you know that kids laugh hundreds of time daily and we adults laugh less than 10. It's so fucking stupid of us. Call me a lazy guy but I spend money and time watching comedy and meeting new people. And guess what? It's been long I felt sick since I start doing that.
3.      Not loving - loneliness is horrible. And I know heartbreak is hard and dry and horrible. But the risk that makes loving worth it.
4.      Not giving - research shows that Givers are more prone to succeed more than those that take and don't give. So if you don't give, you are actually sabotaging your success.
5.      Chasing after happiness - happiness is a feeling. A feeling is a bunch of sensation designed to last for a while. Trying to make it last is a disease. Get rid of it.
6.      People pleasing - when you die, the first thing you are gonna regret is that you ain't true to yourself. So just say fuck it and join me in saying ‘I CHOOSE ME!’. Then show your middle fingers to those that deserve it, and then live your life.
7.       Hating - okay there are lots of horrible people out there who deserved to be hated. But no one is worth it. If you hate, you only keep bad emotions in your body that sabotages your emotions and health. Better to pay someone to do revenge for you and keep loving.
James Haforlarin, Reader / writer / lover / entrepreneur
1.       A Life Pursuing Sex as an End - There is a whole lot of talk in western media that sex is the end all be all, and if you aren’t having tons of it with tons of different people than you are somehow lesser, but that’s not true. You will never have sex with enough people to feel valuable or loved.
2.      A Life Without Flirtation - Too often we use the word flirtation only to talk about being playful with those who we are sexually interested in. This leads to us living in a society of serious people, who don’t know how to play with or charm each other. I believe that it is important to flirt with everyone around you, cashiers, teachers, parents, and friends. A flirtation doesn’t need to be sexual, just charming, and it’s important to charm those around you, because at the root of charm is making other people’s day just a little bit better.
3.      A Life Pursuing Other People’s Dreams - I talked about this in my TEDx Talk, but you need to be able to distinguish between what you want and what the people around you want for you/themselves. Know that success and failure aren’t permanent constructs. Don’t let other people dissuade you out of pursuing what you want

4.      A Life Pursuing “Other’s Esteem” instead of “Self-Esteem” - Too often we phrase this like this in our minds “Once, I’m (Muscular, Rich, Famous, Etc.) I can get what I want” but that model of thinking is rooted in the concept of “Other’s Esteem” which is where we have as much esteem as other people tell us we can have. Now this model of thinking works well for society, because it causes people to chase material success which leads to innovation. But it hinders us on a personal level because we look to others to give us permission to be confident. It trains us to look to others to get permission to have self worth. Rather, do what you want that is rational and reasonable, and stop thinking about whether you are (Blank) enough to go for what you want.

William Beteet, Standup Comic, Powerlifter and Law Student

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Coconut Milk Powder For Health - 6 Amazing Uses

Due to its rich array of vitamins and minerals, benefits of coconut milk for health are many and they are given below.

1. Strong Bones:
Although coconut milk does not contain as much calcium as regular milk (38 mg per cup), it is a rich source of phosphorus. It provides around (how much) milligrams of phosphorus per cup which contributes to strong bones.
2. Treatment of Arthritis:
Selenium found in coconut milk is an antioxidant, which relieves arthritis symptoms by controlling free radicals and decreasing the risk of joint inflammation.
3. Lowers Cholesterol:
Though coconut milk contains saturated fat, it can actually reduce cholesterol levels in comparison to butter and dairy based creams. This is because of its lauric acid boosts HDL (good) cholesterol. When choosing among saturated fats, coconut milk is preferable as it is easier for the body to break down and metabolize healthy fats such as omega 6 essential fatty acids.
 Buy now!
4. Great Source of Magnesium:
Coconut milk is a rich source of magnesium, providing around 89 milligrams per cup. This mineral helps to calm the nerves and maintain normal blood pressure as well as prevent nerve cells from becoming overactive by virtue being stimulated by calcium. It results in the reduction of muscle contraction, thus making you feel more relaxed.
5. Aids in Weight Loss:
Coconut milk is often considered as a fattening agent due to its saturated fats. But it is also rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a longer time and if taken in moderation, can help to control weight.
6. Stronger Immune System:
Coconut milk contains lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid which possess antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This lauric acid on entering the human body gets converted into a compound called monolaurin which is believed to fight the viruses and bacteria that cause herpes, influenza and even HIV.

Monday, June 26, 2017

VEGGAN diet better than any other!

Not vegan— vEGGan!
Do you wish you could reach for the carton of eggs while on your vegan diet? Congrats, you can now identify yourself as a veggan! The traditional vegan diet has been around and grown in popularity over the past few years with many bloggers, foodies, and celebrities jumping on the plant-based bandwagon. But there’s a new diet that’s hit the health food scene: Veggan
While veganism excludes consuming anything that contains animal product like dairy, eggs, and meat, a veggan is a vegan who incorporates eggs into their diets. And unlike vegetarians, veggans still steer clear from having cheese and any other dairy.
The #veggan search on Instagram has exploded with over 5,000 posts—and it may be causing some beef between the vegans and veggans. Figuratively, that is. Many vegans are in an uproar about the new trend because of their ethical reasons, insisting that veganism is a lifestyle and not just a diet. Veggans, on the other hand, are standing behind their choice to include eggs because they feel too restricted on a traditional vegan diet and argue that they’re not getting the right amount of complete protein. (The recommended protein intake for women per day is about .35 grams of protein for every 1 pound you weight and .56 grams per pound for men.)
Veganism is one the the best diets for weight loss if you stick to whole ingredients and stay away from the processed sugary foods like Oreos (which are technically vegan). Some vegans who are also highly-active report not always having enough energy and need a good boost of protein to get through their workouts. That’s where the eggs come in; a single egg has 6 grams of high-quality protein, iron, vitamin D, and B12, all of which are typically lacking in a vegan-based diet. So, if you’re on the vegan diet looking for that flat belly—but feel like you don’t have that energy you need—going “veggan” might be the answer.
Taken from :

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism - enjoy eating and be the right weight!

So I had an heated discussion about how to lose weight easily - with my partner today  (should I say better half- ? :))

My take is that - life is meant to enjoy yourself-doing what your brain enjoys most but using your will to temper the experience!
With me?
Okay then - you can just about relish everything Mother Nature throws your way to appease your taste buds - and then some more.

Here's how:
  1. EAT ENOUGH. You need to cut calories to lose weight. ...
  2. REV UP IN THE MORNING. Eating breakfast jump-starts metabolism and keeps energy high all day. ...
  3. DRINK COFFEE OR TEA. ... 1 - 2 cups a day works wonders!
  4. FIGHT FAT WITH FIBER. ...yeah baby - go for those fruits, nuts and greens
  5. BUY THE BIG BOTTLE. ...AND fill up with H2O
  6. EAT MORE ORGANIC FOOD. ...better for you and even better for the planet!
  7. ALWAYS INCLUDE PROTEIN. ...Plant protein is our preference
  8. EAT IRON-RICH FOODS.... nuts, seeds, seafood, sea plants... See...:
And remember - remember - LAUGH OUT LOUD - A LOT!

Do this and you will BUILD bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you get—and stay—slim?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Is Turmeric Worthy Of Being Our Current Obsession?

Recently, we’ve spotted turmeric teas and golden lattes at artisanal coffee shops from Brooklyn to Seattle. The best thing about this trend? 

Research shows that turmeric, the vibrant root that gives Indian curry and yellow mustard their colors, is one of the world’s most beneficial herbs. 

Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and other chronic conditions. It even shows promise in combating cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Slash your cholesterol, burn stubborn belly fat, solve your insomnia, and more—naturally!—with Rodale's Eat For Extraordinary Health & Healing [3]!)
Though native to Southeast Asia, turmeric is also the most popular herbal supplement in the United States (turmeric can help treat these 9 ailments [4]). But you don’t need to shop the vitamin aisle to reap its benefits. One of the easier ways to use it is to start including it in your everyday diet. 

“In India, where turmeric is one of the primary flavors, there is a very low incidence of gastrointestinal disease and lower reports of cancer,” says Mark Blumenthal, executive director of the American Botanical Council. 

You can cook with fresh or ground turmeric, but some brands of turmeric powder have been dinged for high levels of lead and insect parts, so shop consciously. 

 When you want the BEST effects of Turmeric Boost ..+Extra Virgin Coconut

In its fresh form, turmeric is an orange underground stem called a rhizome. 

To make fresh turmeric tea: Grate ¼ teaspoon into 1 cup boiling water and simmer 10 minutes. While less potent than fresh, powdered turmeric still packs a punch.

 Nutritionist Sarajean Rudman recommends mixing 1 tablespoon turmeric powder with 4 tablespoons honey and 1 pinch black pepper, and taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture up to 5 times a day at the first sign of a cold. You can add it to soups and smoothies or even use it to make a decadent hot chocolate.

Read More here -

A brief inquiry into why we can't seem to get enough of this spice of life.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Coconut - The Amazing Fruit Nut from Mother Nature..

Coconut Milk For Health

Due to its rich array of vitamins and minerals, benefits of coconut milk for health are many and they are given below.

1. Strong Bones:

Although coconut milk does not contain as much calcium as regular milk (38 mg per cup), it is a rich source of phosphorus. It provides around (how much) milligrams of phosphorus per cup which contributes to strong bones.

2. Treatment of Arthritis:

Selenium found in coconut milk is an antioxidant, which relieves arthritis symptoms by controlling free radicals and decreasing the risk of joint inflammation.

3. Lowers Cholesterol:

Though coconut milk contains saturated fat, it can actually reduce cholesterol levels in comparison to butter and dairy based creams. This is because of its lauric acid boosts HDL (good) cholesterol. When choosing among saturated fats, coconut milk is preferable as it is easier for the body to break down and metabolize healthy fats such as omega 6 essential fatty acids.

4. Great Source of Magnesium:

Coconut milk is a rich source of magnesium, providing around 89 milligrams per cup. This mineral helps to calm the nerves and maintain normal blood pressure as well as prevent nerve cells from becoming overactive by virtue being stimulated by calcium. It results in the reduction of muscle contraction, thus making you feel more relaxed.

5. Aids in Weight Loss:

Coconut milk is often considered as a fattening agent due to its saturated fats. But it is also rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a longer time and if taken in moderation, can help to control weight.

6. Stronger Immune System:

Coconut milk contains lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid which possess antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This lauric acid on entering the human body gets converted into a compound called monolaurin which is believed to fight the viruses and bacteria that cause herpes, influenza and even HIV.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

EASTER - English recipe Roasted Veggie quiche for wholesomeness!

Filled with colorful chunky vegetables and large enough to serve a crowd, this would make a decorative addition to an Easter feast. Roasting the vegetables, and including Gruyère with its distinctive flavor, ensures that it is very moreish too.


For the pastry

  • 225g/8oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 175g/6oz cold butter, cubed
  • 1 free-range egg, beaten

For the filling

  • 2 onions, quartered, then halve each quarter lenghtways
  • 200g/7oz baby courgettes (zuchini), halved length ways
  • 260g/9½oz spinach
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 300ml/10fl oz double cream
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • 180g/6½oz gruyère cheese (or vegetarian alternative), grated
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Put the flour and butter in a food processor and pulse until they take on the texture of bread crumbs. (Or place in a mixing bowl and rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips). Add the egg and 1 tablespoon cold water and pulse until combined and a dough forms (or mix by hand).
  2. Roll the dough on a lightly floured, cold work surface into a circle large enough to line the tart tin and roughly 3mm thick, leaving a generous edge to allow for shrinking in the oven. Lay the pastry in the tin and push it gently into the corners where the base meets the sides. Prick the base and sides of the pastry with a fork and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4.
  4. Line the chilled pastry with baking paper and fill with baking beans. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the beans and paper and put the pastry case back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.
  5. Increase the oven temperature to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.
  6. Put the onions and courgettes in a large sandwich bag, drizzle with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper and shake the bag to coat. Tip onto a large baking tray. Roast for 30–40 minutes, turning the vegetables over halfway through cooking, until tender and golden-brown. Remove from the oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/160C/Gas 4.
  7. Meanwhile, bring a small amount of water to the boil in a wide lidded pan. Once boiling add the spinach, clamp down the lid and turn off the heat. After 5 minutes, drain the spinach and leave to cool. Gather the spinach into a ball and using a clean tea towel squeeze as much water out as possible. Once the spinach is as dry as you can get place it on a chopping board and roughly chop. Whisk together the cream, eggs and half the cheese and season well with salt and pepper.
  8. Once the vegetables are roasted you are ready to assemble the quiche. Sprinkle the remaining cheese onto the base of the pastry case. Pile in the vegetables, spreading them out so that they are evenly distributed, and pour over the cream mixture.
  9. Bake the quiche for 25–35 minutes or until the filling is set and golden-brown on top. Take out of the oven and leave to cool slightly before removing from the tin and transferring to a serving plate. Serve warm.
Recipe courtesy

Monday, April 3, 2017


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Have We Been Conned About Cholesterol? My oh my.. read on..

Conventional medical wisdom about cholesterol - and the role of statins - is now being challenged by a small, but growing number of health professionals. Among them is Dr Malcolm Kendrick. A GP for 25 years, he has also worked with the European Society of Cardiology, and writes for leading medical magazines.

When it comes to heart disease, we have been sold a pup. A rather large pup. Actually, it's more of a full-grown blue whale. We've all been conned.

If you've got a raised risk of heart disease, the standard medical advice is to take a cholesterol-lowering statin drug to cut your chances of having a heart attack - because, as we all know, cholesterol is a killer.

Indeed, many of you already believe that you should take statins for the rest of your natural lifespan.
But is it all worth it? According to an article being published in the medical journal The Lancet this week, the answer is probably NO!. 
A leading researcher at Harvard Medical School has found that women don't benefit from taking statins at all, nor do men over 69 who haven't already had a heart attack. There is a very faint benefit if you are a younger man who also hasn't had a heart attack - out of 50 men who take the drug for five years, one will benefit.

Nor is this the first study to suggest that fighting cholesterol with statins is bunk. Indeed, there are hundreds of doctors and researchers who agree that the cholesterol hypothesis itself is nonsense.
What their work shows, and what your doctor should be saying, is the following:

o A high diet, saturated or otherwise, does not affect blood cholesterol levels.
o High cholesterol levels don't cause heart disease.
o Statins do not protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol - when they do work, they do so in another way.
o The protection provided by statins is so small as to be not worth bothering about for most people (and all women). The reality is that the benefits have been hyped beyond belief.
o Statins have many more unpleasant side effects than has been admitted, while experts in this area should be treated with healthy skepticism because they are almost universally paid large sums by statin manufacturers to sing loudly from their hymn sheet. 

It's true that foods containing cholesterol also tend to contain saturated fats because both usually come from animals. It's also true that neither dissolve in water, so in order to travel along the bloodstream they have to be transported in a type of molecule known as a lipoprotein - such as LDLs (low-density lipoproteins) and HDLs (high-density lipoproteins).

But being travelling companions is as close as fats and cholesterol get. Once in the body, most fat from our diet is transported to the fat cells in a lipoprotein called a chylomicron. Meanwhile, cholesterol is produced in the liver by way of an incredibly complicated 13-step process; the one that statins interfere with.

No biochemist has been able to explain to me why eating saturated fat should have any impact on this cholesterol production line in the liver. On the other hand, the liver does make fat - lots of it. All the excess carbohydrate that we eat is turned first into glucose and then into fat in the liver. And what sort of fat does the liver make? Saturated fat; obviously the body doesn't regard it as harmful at all.

Recently, attention has been shifting from the dangers of saturated fat and LDL "bad" cholesterol to the benefits of HDL "good" cholesterol, and new drugs that are going to boost it.

But the idea that more HDLs are going to fight off heart disease is built on equally shaky foundations.

These lipoproteins seem to be cholesterol "scavengers", sucking up the cholesterol that is released when a cell dies and then passing it on to other lipoproteins, which return it to the liver.
Interestingly, the "bad" LDL lipoproteins are involved in the relay.

The idea seems to be that HDLs can also get the cholesterol out of the plaques that are blocking arteries. 
However, there is a huge difference between absorbing free-floating cholesterol and sucking it out of an atherosclerotic plaque which is covered by an impermeable cap.....
Oh MY..

Extracted from The Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick, published by John Blake - £9.99.
The Daily Mail, 23rd January 2007