Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Neck Pain a Pain in the neck? -Simple ways to relieve it.

Did you know that it takes at least 26 different muscles to support the human head? 
Many of these muscles are tiny stabilizers. Within these muscle are a myriad of nerve pathways. It is no surprise that in such a small space where everything is so tightly packed, all it takes is one thing to malfunction just a little and we have a pain in the neck.
There has been a great increase recently in the number of people dealing with neck pain. Part of the reason why is because as we tilt our head forward to look at our phones, we add anywhere between 10 to 60 extra pounds of weight pulling on all of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, depending on how far we tilt our head . If we look straight down, we might pull the muscles of the neck evenly but we are always slightly turning our head and creating a vector of stress that pulls some muscles tight, while compressing other muscles. The more we do this, the more aggravated some muscles become and nearby nerves become caught in the mess. 
What can you do to relieve neck pain?
Whenever a patient complains of neck pain, we immediately want to look at the strength of the shoulders. We suggest having someone observe how you are doing lateral arm raises to see if there is asymmetry between the left and right sides. Do one set of 10 reps for each side. 
Next do one set for each side of 10 standing lateral arm rotations. Is one side easier to do than the other? Regularly perform these exercises and try to correct the imbalance if there is one as you want to be relatively strong on both sides.
What is important about being equally strong on both sides? Some of the neck muscles connect into the shoulder area which means the shoulders work to support the neck. The neck itself is made up of many stabilizer muscles and they get support from the shoulders. If the shoulder muscles are weak or weak on one side then that will force the neck muscles to work more and could create a pattern of pain.
Our posture holds the biggest key to relieving neck pain. One of the most valuable lessons I learned is from studying Tai Chi and it is best illustrated from this quote:
“The head is held up as if a string is attached to the sky, like a marionette,…the coccyx is held down as if there is a weight on it….the spine is stretched between the two.” –Professor Cheng Man Ching
We have had patients who were able to relieve a significant amount of their neck pain simply by changing their posture.
What else can you do to relieve neck pain?
Here are a few easy exercises that may help. 
Static Back exercise: Lay on the floor with your arms out to a 45 degree angle with hands palms up. Support your legs on a block or on the couch so they are bent at a 90 degree angle. The goal of this exercise is to let the shoulders and upper back relax into a more balanced position. Sit in this position for 5-10 minutes to allow yourself to fully relax.
Static Back Reverse Press. Begin in the same position as the previous exercise. Lift your hands off the floor and keep elbows bent and touching the ground. Face your palms toward your feet. Next press your elbows into the ground and squeeze your shoulder blades together and down, hold for a second and release.
How to stop neck pain if the exercises are not enough: Often, people turn turn to massage first. This often helps for a period of time, but the muscle tightness tends to bounce right back and you continue to require massage. 
With acupuncture, you achieve lasting and effective results that do not require continual maintenance. There are few methods that can compare to the correct application of acupuncture combined with tuina massage and orthopedic movement. At our clinic, we will look at not only the painful area but also the vector of tightness that is causing the issue. When you look at the injury this way you not only relieve the pain, but also work to flush the area with fresh blood so the injury can fully heal and prevent the injury from reappearing in a short time as it does with other therapies.
As written by - Chinese medicine expert, Jim Eleczko, http://raleighlac.com/what-to-do-for-neck-pain/
Of course making, curcumin rich COTUPEP a part of your daily routine - goes a long way to resolving inflammation..

Friday, September 30, 2016

COTUPEP Anti Inflammatory Instant Health Boost + Recipes: Could turmeric really boost your health? And a Fis...

COTUPEP Anti Inflammatory Instant Health Boost + Recipes: Could turmeric really boost your health? And a Fis...: Bold health claims have been made for the power of turmeric. Is there anything in them, asks Michael Mosley. Turmeric is a spice which ...

Could turmeric really boost your health? And a Fish Curry with COTUPEP

Bold health claims have been made for the power of turmeric. Is there anything in them, asks Michael Mosley.
Turmeric is a spice which in its raw form looks a bit like ginger root, but when it's ground down you get a distinctive yellowy orange powder that's very popular in South Asian cuisine. Until recently the place you would most likely encounter turmeric would be in chicken tikka masala, one of Britain's most popular dishes.
These days, thanks to claims that it can improve everything from allergies to depression, it's become incredibly trendy, not just cooked and sprinkled on food but added to drinks like tea
Thousands of scientific papers have been published looking at turmeric and curcumin in the laboratory - some with promising results. But they've mainly been done in mice, using unrealistically high doses. There have been few experiments done in the real world, on humans.
Read more here - http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37408293

Now for the rest of us who just want to get the BEST of everything - COOK WITH - yes


1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 can tomato
1 can vegetable stock
2 tbsp COTUPEP
1 lb sustainable white fish fillets, skinned and cut into big chunks

Easy Peazy -Method
Heat the oil in a deep pan and gently fry the onion and garlic for about 5 mins until soft. Add the curry powder (make into a paste with equal quantity of water) and stir-fry for 1-2 mins, then tip in the tomatoes and stock.
Bring to a simmer, then add the fish. 
Gently cook for 4-5 mins until the fish flakes easily.
Remove from flame and stir in 2 tbsp of COTUPEP

Serve with hot rice / hot bread (any kind)

And bonus - chop up those veggies lying in the back of your refrigerator to go with this..
A really good salad dressing is olive oil, lemon juice, COTUPEP, and salt.  

Could turmeric really boost your health? And a Fish Curry with COTUPEP

Bold health claims have been made for the power of turmeric. Is there anything in them, asks Michael Mosley.
Turmeric is a spice which in its raw form looks a bit like ginger root, but when it's ground down you get a distinctive yellowy orange powder that's very popular in South Asian cuisine. Until recently the place you would most likely encounter turmeric would be in chicken tikka masala, one of Britain's most popular dishes.
These days, thanks to claims that it can improve everything from allergies to depression, it's become incredibly trendy, not just cooked and sprinkled on food but added to drinks like tea
Thousands of scientific papers have been published looking at turmeric and curcumin in the laboratory - some with promising results. But they've mainly been done in mice, using unrealistically high doses. There have been few experiments done in the real world, on humans.
Read more here - http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37408293

Now for the rest of us who just want to get the BEST of everything - COOK WITH - yes


1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 can tomato
1 can vegetable stock
2 tbsp COTUPEP
1 lb sustainable white fish fillets, skinned and cut into big chunks

Easy Peazy -Method
Heat the oil in a deep pan and gently fry the onion and garlic for about 5 mins until soft. Add the curry powder (make into a paste with equal quantity of water) and stir-fry for 1-2 mins, then tip in the tomatoes and stock.
Bring to a simmer, then add the fish. 
Gently cook for 4-5 mins until the fish flakes easily.
Remove from flame and stir in 2 tbsp of COTUPEP

Serve with hot rice / hot bread (any kind)

And bonus - chop up those veggies lying in the back of your refrigerator to go with this..
A really good salad dressing is olive oil, lemon juice, COTUPEP, and salt.  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Change of Season - Get the Best from the Powerful Turmeric-Pepper -Coconut Combo

When seasons change, our bodies go through changes as well.
Many times these changes are smooth and often happen behind the scenes. However, that does not mean our bodies do not go through stress. As we age this stress factor increases. 

Mother Nature however, has always provided for these natural changes in her bounty of herbs and botanicals. 

Turmeric has been used as a spice for centuries and now, and its natural antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties are making it even more popular worldwide as a super food. 

The incredible benefits of turmeric are thanks to the naturally occurring magic compounds called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.

However, Curcumin on its own cannot be utilized effectively by the human body due to its poor bio-availability. 

That's just where Mother Nature works her magic and the humble black peppercorn steps in. While black pepper, is a spice with a long history, the little pepper corn also comes packed with medicinal values. 

The active ingredient in black pepper is Piperine which is also known for its antioxidant, anti inflammatory and anti tumor potential. Besides, it inhibits drug detoxifying enzymes which increases the bio-availability of any compound.

Why Turmeric and black pepper are the magical duo ?
Just like tea and cookies go hand in hand, so do turmeric and black pepper. 

It is beneficial to have black pepper with turmeric as it enables to absorb the most active component - Curmin in turmeric. Piperine is said to help make 'Curcumin' more bioavailable.  This could be because it inhibits certain intestinal digestive enzymes. This increases the amount of any drug or supplement that can be absorbed by the body. 

A quick treat for today - Equinox Golden Juice  (tastes delicious)

 Apples (any variety works)                -               2 (cubed)
       Carrots (juicing type preferred)         -               2 (cubed
       Beets                                                  -             1 (cubed
       Celery stalks                                    -                 4 (cubed)
       Water                                                -                3 cups

COTUPEP instant health boost mix              2 scoops

Agave or coconut syrup or raw sugar - optional

Add all the veggies and fruit into a blender (juicer works better but not required) along with water.
Blend for 2 minutes. 
Strain through a fine food sieve or a fine colander.

Add COTUPEP instant health boost mix   and stir well with a fork or spoon.

DRINK UP and store the remainder in your refrigerator for up to 2 days...

You’ll get a bolt of energy from this naturally sweet and immune-boosting glass of goodness

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The incredible healing power of Mother Nature

Humans have long been deeply moved by a still expanse of water, a deep forest, a mountain peak. Nature is where we find ourselves and our connection to spirituality.

Yet most of us today live in cities and spend far less time outside in green, natural spaces than people did several generations ago.

City dwellers have a higher risk for anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses than people living outside urban centers, studies show. (Source: New York Times, July 2015)

There is a significant body of evidence describing how green spaces help to better health and education, urban regeneration and crime reduction; and the potential savings that this has for the public budget. (Source: The Guardian, March 2013) Serious evidence supports the claim that nature should be at the heart of economic and social policy making.

This Healing Power of Nature includes: REMOVAL of FEAR 
F.E.A.R. = False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.

How to create your own Vision Quest

The six stages to think about when planning your own vision quest or nature retreat are:

  • Purpose – why are you doing it?
  • Preparation – what do you need? How will you get there? Who will be your emergency contact? How will you stay safe (i.e. check the weather forecast and don’t camp somewhere too isolated or extreme). Who will know where you are and know when to expect you back?
  • Leaving the world behind – What can you leave at home or switch off?
  • Life evaluation – Reflection while on your quest, whether that be a day or a week.
  • Being open for a vision – Try not to have too many expectations but trust you will receive whatever messages that are right for you at this time.
  • Returning home – A re-adjustment period.

If you can’t get to somewhere completely in nature, alternative quests might be: a day of silence, a garden quest, an indoor quest (make a sacred space first) and make sure you will not be disturbed, a pilgrimage to a sacred site, a place of remembrance or an ancestral site.

See Denise Linn’s book Quest – Journeying to The Centre of Your Soul for more information.

Credits: Amy Garner

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Your Health is your Best Asset - Invest In You!

If you are into healthy eating, I think you should stay away from all the ”lazy healthy” products. If you really want to be healthy, then why not go all the way through?

How about boosting your mental focus, improve your concentration and your cognitive ability while at work?  It all comes easy to you - when you start investing in your health.

Benefits of Investing in You
Take charge of your life and feel good about the choices you make.
Gain energy and feel more fit.
Experience improved physical health.
Gain a positive outlook and find more enjoyment in your life.
Be a role model for your family and friends.

Family Matters
Parents are the most important role models. As parents, you set examples by being active, eating healthy and living a balanced lifestyle.
Commit to making healthy choices and involve your kids. Ask them what your family can do to make healthy changes in your lives.
Playtime for all ages is part of a healthy life. Take time out to have fun and connect with each other.
Have a positive attitude. Show your kids how great it feels to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Ways to Make It A Family Matter

Smart, Healthy Meals
Make an effort to have more home-cooked meals. This can help encourage healthy eating and also promote more family time.
Let your kids help plan what to eat. Kids love to help make meals and snacks.
Keep healthy snacks on hand to help kids make good choices. Have more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and fewer chips and sweets.
Teach kids to eat when they’re hungry, not when they’re bored, sad or angry. Respect their ability to know when they feel full.
Breakfast helps jump start the day. It provides fuel for an active lifestyle and gives you and your child the energy to think faster and more clearly.
Play "Put the Fork Down" at meals. Put your forks down between bites and take turns sharing your day.

Family Playtime

Limit screen time (TV, computer and video games). Suggest other options like reading, board games and playing outside.
Enjoy the outdoors. Go to the park, ride bikes, swim or enjoy a walk around the neighborhood.
Encourage participation in sports as a way to build coordination, skills and confidence.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

#WorldChocolateDay - calls for COTUPEP sweet Chocolate Turmeric Coconut Latte to relax!

All of us always need something a little sweet to end the day. Right? 
Some of us have a sweet cup of herbal tea, others a spot of sweet dessert wine or perhaps some brandy? But that doesn’t always hit the spot, especially when one is craving chocolate! The problem with that is the caffeine in the dark chocolate doesn’t make for great sleep, and even a healthy hot chocolate can give you too much of a lift to drift off to sleep easily. We need something new, something a little sweet but not so sweet that it would impact your sleep, something loaded with nutrients and something tasty. 
Enter the COTUPEP Latte!  By now many of you may have tried Turmeric Latte in  cafes. You thought they were okay but the turmeric taste was a little overpowering perhaps? Given the incredible benefits of turmeric, or rather the benefits of turmeric’s active compound, curcumin:
 Anti-inflammatory   Relieves depression  Lowers blood glucose levels  ♥ High antioxidants   Prevents premature ageing

Add the benefits of Extra virgin Coconut

 Anti-aging  Support Your Immune System (has a superior disease fighting fatty acid called lauric acid)  Support Healthy Thyroid Function   Increase Cell Regeneration
Impressive eh? Add to that other beneficial spice black pepper and you have yourself a warming drink packed with health boosting properties that is calming and relaxing, perfect for before bed. Here you go –ONLY 4 INGREDIENTS needed - So just make it:
  1. 1 cup whole mile / almond milk / soy milk
  2. 1-2 tsp coconut sugar / honey / other healthy sweetener
  3. 1/2 tsp COTUPEP
  4. 1/2 tsp Organic Cocoa Powder (or a small piece of chocolate)
1.     Warm the milk in a pan on the stove or in the microwave on high for 2 minutes.
2.     Add the remaining ingredients and whisk or blend until frothy
3.     Enjoy!
  1. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is fat soluble. If you're using homemade almond milk there should be enough fats present, but if you're using shop bought almond milk, add 1 tsp of COTUPEP to increase the fat content.

Adding more chocolate or cocoa makes your drink look like this ->

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

One simple health challenge and 3 facts you may not know....

3 crucial facts about turmeric that could mean the difference between simple consumption and full-absorption.

These facts: 
      • Curcumin, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is the most active constituent of turmeric.

  • Curcumin is fat-soluble. Coconuts unlike other nuts, provide medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs) in particular, lauric acid, which is converted in the body into a highly beneficial compound called monolaurin, an antiviral and antibacterial that destroys a wide variety of disease causing organisms.

  • Neither curcumin nor turmeric taken orally is well absorbed unless taken with the right percentage of Piperine a key active component of black pepper.

Optimally formulated COTUPEP is a magnificent ready to eat food to experience all of the health benefits Turmeric, Coconut and Black Pepper have to offer. You want to be able to absorb all of the goodness of any health food.
A simple health challenge - Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of COTUPEP on any one of these already great foods for weight loss to turn them into AMAZING super foods,that will do more than you expect.
Send me your recipe and we will publish it...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Love your food ♥ Love your body ♥ Love your life - and you Live better!

It is seriously amazing how just a couple of years ago, I got many a seriously dodgy look when I brought my golden yellow turmeric smoothie to meetings.

After receiving compliments and requests to buy from several curious souls who were seriously amazed at the smooth taste and flavor of my drink, I decided to work with my team to produce a multi purpose drink mix that encompassed ALL the benefits of curcumin rich turmeric, nutrient dense extra virgin coconut milk and enzymatic sharp tasting black pepper that enhances turmeric absorption into your body.

Well we got to work and now we have it, optimum formula to boost health , of coconut and turmeric with the right amount of black pepper - bottled.  COTUPEP is all about nourishing your body without giving up the food you love. Quick and simple to use straight from the jar, or added to any recipe that calls for baking, blending,frying, mixing or no cooking at all, COTUPEP is a powder that shows  that healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated or boring.

A'isha Bauer, formulator and founder

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Introducing COTUPEP

Who are we?
We are a small dedicated team of professionals at COTUPEP. We strive to bring you honest to goodness organic spices that are grown using environmentally sustainable methods.  Our farmers and suppliers believe in protecting and preserving ecologically sensitive resources such as land and water.

Our Mission
It is our mission to offer the best nutrition possible using  the best possible ingredients in their natural form. Certified organic, no fillers, no additives and no chemicals, whatsoever.  We hope that you find inspiration, excitement and good health from the food you eat, and learn, like us, that to eat well is to live better.

Giving Back
Sharing is caring. We take that very seriously.  We work with local communities and organizations to improve the world around us. We devote 1% of all profits to charities dedicated to improving the lives of Americans in need.

Cotupep's Profile Photo