Thursday, July 7, 2016

#WorldChocolateDay - calls for COTUPEP sweet Chocolate Turmeric Coconut Latte to relax!

All of us always need something a little sweet to end the day. Right? 
Some of us have a sweet cup of herbal tea, others a spot of sweet dessert wine or perhaps some brandy? But that doesn’t always hit the spot, especially when one is craving chocolate! The problem with that is the caffeine in the dark chocolate doesn’t make for great sleep, and even a healthy hot chocolate can give you too much of a lift to drift off to sleep easily. We need something new, something a little sweet but not so sweet that it would impact your sleep, something loaded with nutrients and something tasty. 
Enter the COTUPEP Latte!  By now many of you may have tried Turmeric Latte in  cafes. You thought they were okay but the turmeric taste was a little overpowering perhaps? Given the incredible benefits of turmeric, or rather the benefits of turmeric’s active compound, curcumin:
 Anti-inflammatory   Relieves depression  Lowers blood glucose levels  ♥ High antioxidants   Prevents premature ageing

Add the benefits of Extra virgin Coconut

 Anti-aging  Support Your Immune System (has a superior disease fighting fatty acid called lauric acid)  Support Healthy Thyroid Function   Increase Cell Regeneration
Impressive eh? Add to that other beneficial spice black pepper and you have yourself a warming drink packed with health boosting properties that is calming and relaxing, perfect for before bed. Here you go –ONLY 4 INGREDIENTS needed - So just make it:
  1. 1 cup whole mile / almond milk / soy milk
  2. 1-2 tsp coconut sugar / honey / other healthy sweetener
  3. 1/2 tsp COTUPEP
  4. 1/2 tsp Organic Cocoa Powder (or a small piece of chocolate)
1.     Warm the milk in a pan on the stove or in the microwave on high for 2 minutes.
2.     Add the remaining ingredients and whisk or blend until frothy
3.     Enjoy!
  1. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is fat soluble. If you're using homemade almond milk there should be enough fats present, but if you're using shop bought almond milk, add 1 tsp of COTUPEP to increase the fat content.

Adding more chocolate or cocoa makes your drink look like this ->

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