Monday, April 17, 2017

The Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism - enjoy eating and be the right weight!

So I had an heated discussion about how to lose weight easily - with my partner today  (should I say better half- ? :))

My take is that - life is meant to enjoy yourself-doing what your brain enjoys most but using your will to temper the experience!
With me?
Okay then - you can just about relish everything Mother Nature throws your way to appease your taste buds - and then some more.

Here's how:
  1. EAT ENOUGH. You need to cut calories to lose weight. ...
  2. REV UP IN THE MORNING. Eating breakfast jump-starts metabolism and keeps energy high all day. ...
  3. DRINK COFFEE OR TEA. ... 1 - 2 cups a day works wonders!
  4. FIGHT FAT WITH FIBER. ...yeah baby - go for those fruits, nuts and greens
  5. BUY THE BIG BOTTLE. ...AND fill up with H2O
  6. EAT MORE ORGANIC FOOD. ...better for you and even better for the planet!
  7. ALWAYS INCLUDE PROTEIN. ...Plant protein is our preference
  8. EAT IRON-RICH FOODS.... nuts, seeds, seafood, sea plants... See...:
And remember - remember - LAUGH OUT LOUD - A LOT!

Do this and you will BUILD bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you get—and stay—slim?

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